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Wendell Willkie One World Pdf

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by trangambrasor1984 2020. 3. 3. 09:08


One world wendell-wilkie-1943-214pgs-pol-mil.1.ONEWORLDBYWendell L. WillkieSIMON AND SCHUSTER, NEW YORK1 943.AIL RIGHTS RESERVEDINCLUDING THE RIGHT OF REPRODUCTIONIN WHOLE OR IN PART IN ANY FORMCOPYRIGHT, 1943, BY WENDELL L. WILLKIEPUBLISHED BY SIMON AND SCHUSTER, INC.ROCKEFELLER CENTER, 1230 SIXTH AVENUE,NEW YORK, N. Y.Sixth Printing, April, 1943ABOUT THE APPEARANCE OF BOOKS IN WARTIMEA recent ruling by the War Production Board has cur-tailed the use of paper by book publishers in 1943.In line with this ruling and in order to conserve ma-terials and manpower, we are co-operating by:I. Using lighter-weight paper which reduces the bulkof our books substantially.2. Printing books with smaller margins and with morewords to each page. Result: fewer pages per book.Slimmer and smaller books will save paper and platemetal and labor.

Wendell L Willkie

We are sure that readers will understandthe publishers' desire to co-operate as fully as possiblewith the objectives of the War Production Board and ourgovernment.MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICABY H. WOLFF BOOK MFG. CO., NEW YORK CITY.TOMAJOR RICHARD T. KIGHT, D.F.C.,who piloted The Gulliver, the plane in which we flewaround the world, and to whom on November 24, 1942,the War Department awarded the Oak Leaf Cluster forextraordinary achievement in completing that 'difficultand hazardous mission in excellent time and withoutmishap, despite extreme weather conditions and thepresence of enemy aircraft overpart of the route,'AND TOthe members of the tireless and skillful crew ofThe Gulliver,CAPTAIN ALEXIS KLOTZ, CO-PILOTCAPTAIN JOHN C. WAGNERMASTER SERGEANT JAMES M. COOPERTECHNICAL SERGEANT RICHARD J.

BARRETTSERGEANT VICTOR P. MINKOFFCORPORAL CHARLES H. REYNOLDS.The author wishes to express his thanks to the editorsof the Readers Digest, The New York Times SundayMagazine, the Saturday Evening Post, and Look for per-mission to use, in three of the chapters of this book, ex-cerpts from articles which he wrote for these magazines.TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction ixi. El Alamein 12. The Middle East 173. Turkey, a New Nation 374.

Our Ally, Russia 505. The Republic of Yakutsk 886. China Has Been Fighting Five Years 1037. The Opening Up of China's West ill8. What Free China Fights With 125g. Some Notes on Chinese Inflation 15010.

Our Reservoir of Good Will 1 5711. What We Are Fighting For 16312. This Is a War of Liberation 18013. Our Imperialisms at Home 18714. One World 196.INTRODUCTIONTODAY, because of military and other censorships, Amer-ica is like a beleaguered city that lives within high wallsthrough which there passes only an occasional courier totell us what is happening outside. I have been outside thosewalls. And I have found that nothing outside is exactly whatit seems to those within.I had an opportunity to fly around the world in the mid-dle of this war, to see and talk to hundreds of people inmore than a dozen nations, and to talk intimately withmany of the world's leaders.

It was an experience which fewprivate citizens and none of those leaders have had. It gaveme some new and urgent convictions and strengthenedsome of my old ones.